

When we launched Campaign Deputy we created Lists as a way to group together people. Similar if you were exporting any CSV or Excel file and using those. As time went on, we started to see some issues with Lists. Some accounts had hundreds of lists and List maintenance became an issue. Tags was one of our most requested feature and we spent a long time reading training materials, watching videos, and exploring how other people use Tags day to day.

Multi-Level Permissions

One part we noticed early on in our research is that there was not much in terms of permissions for other systems. We have a lot of campaigns, groups, PACs, and non-profits, that have volunteers that only need specific access to the system and are worried that a volunteer may accidently add or remove the wrong data. Which is why we launched with four levels of permissions. Admin, Edit, Apply and View. Admins can do everything, while Edit only allows you to change or add tags. To delete you would need to contact an Admin. Apply would allow you to tag contacts in the system while View only allows you to View tags on a profile. Without at least one of these permissions your login will not be able to View, Edit, or Apply tags in the system.

Extra Metadata

Another item we noticed is that people would add in the date of the Tag and have a separate file of all the tags and a description column. We added a description section to each Tag and show the date and description of the Ttag when searching.

Parent Tag

We also wanted a way to group tags together. Internally we use Campaign Deputy for our Sales and Marketing. We have multiple channels for both and an example would be a Parent Tag of Sales . Then each channel, for example Google Ads, can be a tag that rolls up to the Sales Tag. At the moment this is categorize the data and the Tag page. We have plans to allow for searching for any tag with a parent of tag X in the future.


Forms have had the ability to add a person to a List for a while now. You can now Tag a person when they complete a form as well. This supports multiple tags at once as well. A common example is to tag a person as a Volunteer when completing a Volunteer form. We have plans to add a way to tag a person if they use a certain field.

Tags are available to all accounts. You can create Tags in Settings->Tags. You can also apply tags to all of your records using our Universe Search which can add and remove tags based on a search. Take a look and let our support team know what you think!

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